About Us - Fairfax County Raccoon Experts

Fairfax County raccoon trapping

Fairfax County didn't used to have a raccoon problem. Back before the 1980's, raccoons were rare in Fairfax County and lived in the more remote or undeveloped regions of Virginia. But then they suddenly became more used to urban and suburban neighborhood settings, and are now found throughout Fairfax County. While they are more urban animals, like rats or squirrels, we still regard them as special and talented animals, worthy of respect and humane treatment. We specialize in wild animals only, not pest insects, and we never use poison. We want to help you solve your raccoon problem, but we don't want to kill these animals! Call us at 571-347-9820 to discuss your raccoon issue.

Fairfax County Raccoon Removal started as a humble family-run business, and it is now one of the leading wildlife control companies in Fairfax County. We personally know how it feels like to not be able to get sleep at night due to constantly worrying that a disease-spreading wild animal is in your house. We don't want any other family to experience that, so we want to help out as best and as best as we can. Our well-trained staff have over 10 years of experience in handling animal problems, and we make sure that we are always updated through the leading industry seminars and state of the art equipment. Our special equipment includes nets, bags, and transfer cases, to ensure a safe removal of the animal from your property. We perform different kinds of animal prevention services, including netting, exclusion devices to keep them out of your lawn, and traps for your attic and gardens. We also offer odor control services and cleanup and sanitation services so that your property looks like it never had problems in the first place! We are highly educated wildlife experts who are intimately familiar with all kinds of animal behaviors and how to trap each animal. As much as possible, we also choose to use preventive measures and exclusion devices to make sure that no animal can get into your property. We are also fully licensed and insured, and we carry commercial liability insurance in order to protect our clients. Call us now at 571-347-9820, and we will do our best to accommodate you and your needs.